Learn Kung Fu

gōngfu (功夫) | ,kʊŋˈfuː | A Chinese expression…

Often spelt -Kung Fu- is made up of 2 ideas:

1 – a person

2 – cultivated skill

The two ideas combine and point to an on-going path of self cultivation.

When you are expressing your unique abilities, in a truly authentic way, you experience a sense of the ideal you, and it feels great!

Kung Fu – Training with Tony

You can sign up for personal training with me, online or in person.

If you want to learn a martial and healing art, that will consistently move you towards realising more and more of your ideal self, then click the link to find out more.

Coaching with Tony

Kung Fu is a complete concept for growth and development.

Over the years of practice, training and working with others, I have developed a number of ‘expert areas’.

You have a unique space in your world where you are exceptional and are likely known for certain skillsets and traits of excellence.

As a lifelong practitioner in the martial, healing and personal growth and development areas, I have some special skills that get great results for people I have worked with. Here are some of the courses and programs I offer that have given others great results.

Help My Hips
Help My Hips
Healthy Hip Habits 8 Week Program

In person or online
Weekly sessions + weekly check ins
open email and whatsapp
Daily plan
Exercises, concepts and mindsets
8 weeks of habit training
monthly follow ups
Kung Fu Course
5 week Foundations

For the beginner
Coach Yourself
Cultivation Skills for Self

Start right now

Tending to your everyday needs, concerns, fears and frustrations, like pulling weeds from your life’s garden, and nourishing the ground beneath your feet, will free up space to sow the seeds for change that you want in your life.

As you push through and realise your higher and deeper dreams and desires, and begin designing and creating the most favourable conditions for your growth, you’ll gain a clear understanding of how to bring to fruition your fuller potentials.

“If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.”

Abraham Maslow

If you read Maslow’s quote above as a warning then read on.

Designing meaningful habits and practices in a way that totally works for you. So you can take consistent care of your personal needs, … and … push through, to sculpt your greatness.

Propelling you ever more strategically and tangibly towards the lifestyle you really want. Giving yourself the sense of fulfillment you know you deserve and mobilising the ‘glint in your minds eye’ ideal self you’ve been harbouring within.

How can you cultivate your life? Some useful starting points include: painting a really clear picture of what you want; taking up practices to tend to and develop your needs; optimising your mental and physical wellness and evolving your emotional and spiritual awareness.

With these 3 super simple activities and exercises, energise your body, explore your greatness, and become more emotionally agile.

Click here to instantly discover the deceptively simple and surprisingly effective qigong practice ‘microcosmic orbit’. Combine your mind, body and emotional content in one practice!
Warning: It feels so good it may become addictive!


Click here for a quick hack to envision your higher calling, and take that ‘glint in your minds eye’ personal greatness to higher levels of awareness and action.

Click here for a deep dive into the emotional literacy pool. Become more emotionally agile and powerfully and productively engage your emotional content in your life.

“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order;
to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order;
to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life;
we must first set our hearts right.”
